
Generating Gamesheets

Since version, you can generate game sheets that I call gamesheet, which gather graphic media and some textual information retrieved from the database which are:

  • Game title
  • Developer
  • Editor
  • Release date (year)
  • Gender
  • Numbers of players
  • Rqting
  • Description of the game

We use a template to which we add textual information at the very end of the creation of the media (on the last layer)

The generated media (gamesheet) will be saved in the folder defined in the Folder / 'Gamesheet' directory tab The desired extension of the generated file will be defined in the template. See below

You can see an example with the template retro_gamesheet

The retro_gamesheet template is an example and can be customized as you wish.

View of the retro_gamesheet template directory:

The texts to be displayed are defined in tags containing the parameters separated by ; (semicolon) These parameters define in order:

  1. - The label to display in front of the tag (the only parameter that can be left empty)
  2. - X coordinate
  3. - Y coordinate
  4. - Text width
  5. - Text height
  6. - Font name
  7. - Font size
  8. - Font color (You can find color name here)
  9. - Text alignement (left, center or right)

Example :

<gametitle_text>;545;0;855;76;Times New Roman;40;red;center</gametitle_text>
<developer_text>Developer : ;545;70;471;46;Times New Roman;30;black;left</developer_text>
<publisher_text>Publisher : ;545;126;471;46;Times New Roman;30;blackl;left</publisher_text>
<date_text>Release Date : ;545;182;471;46;Times New Roman;30;black;left</date_text>
<genre_text>Genre : ;545;238;471;46;Times New Roman;30;black;left</genre_text>
<players_text>Players : ;545;294;471;46;Times New Roman;30;black;left</players_text>
<description_text>;550;366;882;376;Times New Roman;25;black;left</description_text>
<rating_text>Rating : ;178;736;213;46;Times New Roman;25;blue;center</rating_text>
If you have the media in the database, it is possible to generate the Gamesheets via the button Recompose Image
These text tags can be used in all templates offered by ARRM. It's up to you to add them
The tag :
indicates which suffix will be added to the generated file
The tag:
allows to indicate to ARRM that the template is a gamesheet

In this case, the image created will be saved in the directory defined for the gamesheets (see Settings/Folders tab) and will carry the extension defined in the tag <gamesheet_filename_suffix>
If the tag:
is not filled in, the template will be considered as a standard template + text and will create a mix image

Example of the retro_gamesheet template:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
         <author>Franck P.</author>
         <description>Retro Gamesheet
         <name>Retro Gamesheet</name>





         <item cartridge_align="true"></item>

         <item boxart_align="true"></item>



         <item screenshot="portrait">

         <item screenshot="landscape">

         <item screenshot="cd">

<!-- Textual zone -->
<!-- <gametitle_text>libelle;x;y;width;height;police_name;police_size;color</gametitle_text> -->

	<gametitle_text>;545;0;855;76;Times New Roman;40;red;center</gametitle_text>

	<developer_text>Developer : ;545;70;471;46;Times New Roman;30;black;left</developer_text>
	<publisher_text>Publisher : ;545;126;471;46;Times New Roman;30;blackl;left</publisher_text>
	<date_text>Release Date : ;545;182;471;46;Times New Roman;30;black;left</date_text>
	<genre_text>Genre : ;545;238;471;46;Times New Roman;30;black;left</genre_text>
	<players_text>Players : ;545;294;471;46;Times New Roman;30;black;left</players_text>
	<description_text>;550;366;882;376;Times New Roman;25;black;left</description_text>
	<rating_text>Rating : ;178;736;213;46;Times New Roman;25;blue;center</rating_text>

<!-- end Textual area -->



arrm_relooked_en/gamesheet_en.txt · Dernière modification : 2024/11/15 18:39 de nexusone13