
Export games to a text file (.csv)

It is possible to export the list of games in the current system to a text file in csv (Comma-separated values) format which can then be used in an excel-style spreadsheet or other .csv-compatible program.

  • Select the system (only one) then click on Display

When the Database is filled with the found Roms,

  • Check CSV in the panel Export game list as
  • Create the .csv file by clicking on the Export button

if the Export CSV checkbox is checked, the CSV file will also be created when creating the gamelist
Since version beta 7, you can click on the Export button to export without having to create the gamelist.

A file, containing all the roms, will be created in the directory containing the roms with the format %system%_export.csv

Example: atari2600_export.csv

arrm_relooked_en/export_games_csv_en_relooked.txt · Dernière modification : 2024/09/03 06:27 de nexusone13