Table des matières
In this tab, you will be able to make selections (highlighting) of roms that meet the following criteria:
- Roms with missing media
- Roms with missing text
- Roms with missing overlay
- Roms with missing Pad2Keyb
Roms with missing media
Before launching a scrape on the roms with missing media, you can make a selection here of the roms concerned, in order to avoid processing all the roms (saving time)
Click on the button Roms with missing media
in order to highlight the roms whose media checked in the Images options tab are missing
Roms with missing text
Before launching a scrape on the roms with missing text, you can make a selection here of the roms concerned, in order to avoid processing all the roms (saving time)
Click on the button Roms with missing text
in order to highlight the roms with checked texts (on olive color background) in the panel Roms information are missing:
- Game name
- Description
- Note
- Year
- Developer
- Editor
- #Players
- Editor
- Gender
- Regions
- Language
Roms with missing overlay
This button allows you to select roms that do not have an overlay/bezel.
Click the Roms with missing overlay button
to highlight the roms whose bezels have not been downloaded.
Roms with missing Pad2key
This button allows you to select roms that do not have a Pad2key file.
Click the Roms with Missing Pad2key button
to highlight roms where the Pad2key file does not exist.
Select Alternative Roms
This button allows you to select alternative roms.
Alternate roms are different versions of the initial rom. They are often represented by a letter/number (tag) in square brackets [] at the end of the file. The list of alternative tags is defined in the Alternative Rom Tags text box on the Configuration Files tab.
These tags are found in this file: %appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\Database\alternative_rom_tags.txt
example :
[a];[a1];[a2];[a3];[a4];[a5];[a6];[b];[b1];[b2];[b3];[b4];[b5 ];[b6]
Click on the Select Alternative Roms button to highlight alternative roms. You can, if necessary, delete them for example.
Select the 'Best Roms'
Available since ARRM beta 6
This button allows you to select the 'Best Roms'
The best roms for each system are defined in the top_games_%systeme%.txt files located in the %appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\Database\top_games folder.
Examples of files in the folder: %appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\Database\top_games
they contain the rom titles:
example with top_games_n64.txt
1080 TenEighty Snowboarding Banjo Conker's Bad Fur Day Diddy Kong Racing F-Zero Goldeneye 007 ....
Simply select the Roms that you consider to be 'Best Roms' and click on the Add to 'Best Roms' button in the Selected Roms tab.
The game titles will be added in the top_games_%systeme%.txt file located in the %appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\Database\top_games folder for the current system.
Since you may not have the same system names, an association file allows you to associate your system names with the correct top_games file.
This file: systemes_topgames.txt is located in the folder %appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\Database
It comes in this form
3DO Interactive Multiplayer|top_games_3do.txt 3do|top_games_3do.txt 3ds|top_games_ds.txt 64dd|top_games_n64.txt a2600|top_games_atari2600.txt a5200|top_games_atari8bits.txt a7800|top_games_atari7800.txt a800|top_games_atari8bits.txt ....
Click on the Select 'Best Roms' button
to highlight the best roms for the selected system.
You can apply the treatment you want to these selected Roms, such as putting them in Favorites for example via the Tag as Favorites button in the Roms Selected tab.