Table des matières
%%adult_rom%% %%arcadesystemname_rom%% %%core_rom%% %%description_rom%% %%developer_rom%% %%emulator_rom%% %%famille_rom%% %%favoris_rom%% %%nomjeu_rom%% %%gametime_rom%% %%genreid_rom%% %%genre_rom%% %%hash_rom%% %%cache_rom%% %%kid_rom%% %%lang_rom%% %%lastplayed_rom%% %%md5_rom%% %%mode_rom%% %%playcount_rom%% %%players_rom%% %%publisher_rom%% %%rating_rom%% %%ratio_rom%% %%region_rom%% %%fichier_rom%% %%rotation_rom%% %%temporary_rom%% %%annee_rom%% %%bezel_rom%% %%boxart_rom%% %%boxback_rom%% %%cartridge_rom%% %%extra1_rom%% %%fanart_rom%% %%image_rom%% %%manual_rom%% %%map_rom%% %%marquee_rom%% %%mix_rom%% %%screenshot_rom%% %%thumbnail_rom%% %%titleshot_rom%% %%video_rom%% %%wheel_rom%%
- Query (combobox): Allows you to compose your own conditions/filters (MS ACCESS SQL syntax) (this is OPTIONAL).
fichier_rom like '%(USA)%' nomjeu_rom not like '%[%' and region_rom is not null boxart_rom<>'' and favoris_rom=true and rating_rom > 0.2 nomjeu_rom like '*zelda*' and map_rom is null favoris_rom=true and (image_rom is null and manual_rom<>'') len(description_rom) < 10 substring(nomjeu_rom,1,2) = '19'
The available fields for conditions are:
adult_rom arcadesystemname_rom core_rom description_rom developer_rom emulator_rom famille_rom favoris_rom nomjeu_rom gametime_rom genreid_rom genre_rom hash_rom cache_rom kid_rom lang_rom lastplayed_rom md5_rom mode_rom playcount_rom players_rom publisher_rom rating_rom ratio_rom region_rom fichier_rom rotation_rom temporary_rom annee_rom bezel_rom boxart_rom boxback_rom cartridge_rom extra1_rom fanart_rom image_rom manual_rom map_rom marquee_rom mix_rom screenshot_rom thumbnail_rom titleshot_rom video_rom wheel_rom
Each condition/filter validated via the button is stored in the 'Query' combobox and saved in the file located under %appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm \database\query_sql2.txt (you can edit it and add any conditions you want)
You will then be able to select a condition/filter that has already been archived.
The filter applies to the Database
Replace a field value with another value
In the example above, we apply the Query:
nomjeu_rom not like '%[%' and region_rom is not null
which means that we want to display only games that do not contain '[' and whose region field is not empty.
Select the field on which you want to apply changes, here it will be the field Game Title (nomjeu_rom)
In the following combobox we indicate the new value. This can also be a database field name, it must then be surrounded by a double % \\example :
%%nomjeu_rom%% [%%region_rom%%]
Select (highlight) the games you want to apply the changes to, then click the button to apply the change.
This will change the DB Fields Game Title (romgamename) to romgamename [rom_region]
On the game 'Ballbllazer' whose field region_rom='us' this will give: Ballblazer [us]
Replace a field value with another value
Apply a value override to a field
In the example above, we apply the Query (this is OPTIONAL):
fichier_rom like '%(world)%'
which means that we want to display only the games whose file_rom (file name) contains '(world)'.
Select the field on which you want to apply changes, here it will be the field Genre (genre_rom)
Select (highlight) the games you want to apply the changes to, then click the button to apply the change.
This will replace in the DB fields Genre (genre_rom) the string 'Tir' by 'Shoot'
example :
allows to take only the year of a date (exe: 1984) instead of the usual format (ex: 19841201T000000)
Using Regex
Coming soon in version
It is possible to use regular expressions in the Replace field. In this case it is necessary to check the Regex box so that ARRM knows that it is Regex
You can try out your regex at
On the title of the game: FIFA International Soccer (Usa,Europe) , we want to replace USA,Europe with Japan
You will need to use the following values:
Select the ROMs to process,
Select in the DB Fields : Game Title
Put in the Replace Field: \(.*?\)
Put in the Field with: (Japan)
and tick: Regex
Then validate with the green tick
ARRM will show you an example of the result obtained.
It's up to you to discover the power of Regex (and their complexity ;) )