gamelist.xml TAGs recognized by ARRM
ARRM recognizes the following gamelist.xml tags:
- adult: game for adults
- arcadesystemname : Abbreviated Arcade system name (cps1, namco, irem…)
- bezel
- boxart
- boxback
- cartridge
- core
- desc: description of the game
- developer: game developer
- emulator
- extra1
- family
- fanart
- favorite
- folder
- game
- gametime
- genre
- genreid
- hash: crc32 of the rom
- hidden: hidden rom
- id: (Screenscraper GameID)
- image
- kid
- kidgame
- lang
- lastplayed
- manual: Game's manual
- map
- marquee
- md5: md5 of the rom
- mix
- mode
- music
- name: game name
- path: Rom file
- playcount: number of times this game has been played
- players
- provider
- publisher: game publisher
- rating: game rating (from 0 to 1: 0.1,0.2…0.9,1)
- ratio
- region
- releasedate: game release date (format: yyyymmddThhmmss)
- rotation
- screenshot
- temporary
- thumbnail
- titleshot
- video
- wheel
arrm_relooked_en/gamelist-tags-en_relooked.txt · Dernière modification : 2023/10/27 10:00 de nexusone13