Customize the <provider> section of the gamelist.xml
Available from version Beta 4
It is possible to add information in the <provider> section of your gamelist.xml which will be added when creating the gamelist.xml.
This information will be read from the file %appdata%\Nexouille soft\arrm\database\provider_custom.txt which you can modify by clicking on the icon
To do this, go to the Gamelist TAGS tab.
Check Provider Custom
the provider_custom.txt file is made up as follows:
Tag name (your choice) | comment/description
example :
scraped_by|Nexusone13 information|This pack was done by Nexusone13 version|Updated on 01/31/2022
You can give any name to the tags, except provider
Since Beta 12 you can use Date/Time variables in your provider_custom.txt
The variables are:
- %yyyy%: year
- %dd%: day
- %MM%: month
- %HH%: time in 24h format)
- %mm%: minute
Which can give for example a provider_custom.txt like this:
scraped_by|Captain Cavern information|This pack was done by Captain Cavern version|Updated on %dd%/%MM%/%yyyy% %HH%:%mm%
When the gamelist.xml will be generated it will give:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <gameList> <provider> <system>neogeo</system> <software>ARRM</software> <web></web> <scraped_by>Captain Cavern</scraped_by> <information>This pack was done by Captain Cavern</information> <version>Updated on 02/03/2022 22:13</version> </provider> <gameid="37604"> <path>./- Metal Slug/</path> ...
arrm_relooked_en/customize_provider_gamelist_en_relooked.txt · Dernière modification : 2023/03/19 14:24 de