
Getting started with ARRM

On some forms you do not see the buttons located at the bottom of the form or some texts are truncated ?
please apply the following:

Under windows 10, the program does not display texts and forms correctly

For a quick example showing how to configure ARRM to generate a list of games and recover media (scrape) see:

Below is the list of tasks you can perform to get started with ARRM You will then be able to study in detail the various features of ARRM by consulting the sections of the wiki

Settings is the essential step for the operation of the software.

Select the systems you want to see in your ARRM browser

In order to be able to display the list of your games for a given system, it is imperative that ARRM knows the list of file extensions recognized by this system.

In order to be able to scrape your systems correctly, it is imperative that ARRM can make the association between your system names and the platforms (systems) offered on the scraping engines.

Some systems come in the form of folders / folders (dos, windows, daphne, teknoparrot…) and others in the form of a list of roms files.You have the ability to tell ARRM how you want to manage your systems, so that their contents are visible when you select a system in ARRM.

If you want to be able to scrape, without too many limitations, using the Screenscraper database, you will need to create an account on Screenscraper, and enter your credentials in ARRM.

ARRM uses existing tags (TAGs) used in various Frontends, but adds some ARRM-specific tags. In this section you will learn how to assign the media available on Screenscraper to the tags used by ARRM.

You may have recovered romsets with non-standard rom names and game titles and this prevents you from scraping your roms correctly? You can find the correct names of the games using this feature.

“Non-merged” Arcade Romsets contain many clone Roms as well as Roms belonging to genres/categories that you don't want to keep. This section will help you clean up your Roms before you start scraping.

ARRM offers more than 200 templates that cover a large number of consoles / computers. You can select your template which will be used when scraping. It is also possible via the Auto-Template option to assign a Template automatically according to the chosen system.

Here is the last step, the one that consists of Scraping your Roms to search the Screenscraper, HFS-DB,, LaunchBox, Steam, IGDB , GOG , MobyGames , ArcadeItalia and GameTDB databases for the textual and graphic elements that will allow you to embellish your collection.

Show you how to quickly configure ARRM to retrieve artworks and information from various Scrape Databases

Show you how to quickly configure ARRM to retrieve artworks and information from various Scrape Databases to suit es-theme-reload Theme needs

arrm_relooked_en/how_to_start-en_relooked.txt · Dernière modification : 2024/06/15 10:57 de nexusone13