Check that the systems extensions are declared in the systemes_extensions.txt file
In order to be able to display the list of your games for a given system, it is imperative that ARRM knows the list of file extensions recognized by this system.
Recognized extensions appear in the textbox: Extensions: .zip;.7z
The association is done via the following file:
%appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\database\systemes_extensions.txt
Access to this file can be done via the icon or via the Modify extensions allowed by system button in the Settings tab then Configuration Files tab
Example :
You have a system named a2600 for Atari 2600
It is therefore necessary that in the file: %appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\database\systemes_extensions.txt, add this line:
When the modification is made, for ARRM to take the changes into account, you must click on the button: which is located under the to the right of the extensions textbox.