
Manage scrape profiles

Available since version Beta 2

It is possible to create scrape profiles that contain ARRM specific settings.

To do this, simply configure ARRM as you wish and click on the Profile (Save/Load) button on the Database tab. The yellow information that appears below this button indicates the last profile loaded. Here: Screenscraper_Mix

When you click on this button, the following form appears:

A list of existing profiles appears. You can :

  • Replace an existing profile by selecting it and clicking Save Profile (All current ARRM settings will be saved)
  • Create a profile name (without extension) and click on Save profile (All current ARRM settings will be saved)
  • Restore a profile by selecting it and clicking on Restore profile
  • Delete a profile by selecting it and clicking the Trashcan icon
The profiles are saved in the folder %appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\Database\profile
arrm_relooked_en/profile-scrape-en_relooked.txt · Dernière modification : 2024/03/23 14:17 de nexusone13