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Suggestions il y a 1 an 5 mois #1097

  • opjose
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Great utility!


- Sometimes ARRM will download images that have zero length file sizes from some scraper sites. The zero length images then prevent scrapes from other sites. Consider checking the file size and removing any zero length downloads before adding them to the gamelist.xml file.

- Consider adding a menu option that will look for image files that already exist with the same name as the roms in their own folders, but are not already in gamelist.xml.


Assume there is a new ROM called


And files called


Set up a button or selection to find these almost identically named files and add them to the corresponding ROM entry in gamelist.xml.

- Consider breaking up all of the main page items into different tab pages, especially the configuration items.
That will allow the tab pages to display larger and will work with different display, resolution and font sizes a bit better.

Thank you!

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Suggestions il y a 1 an 5 mois #1098

Hi and thank you for suggestions

- Sometimes ARRM will download images that have zero length file sizes from some scraper sites
Does it occur on a specific Scrape Engine ? (mobygames, launchbox ....)

- Consider adding a menu option that will look for image files that already exist with the same name as the roms in their own folders, but are not already in gamelist.xml.

You can do that : follow this wiki :

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Suggestions il y a 1 an 5 mois #1099

  • opjose
  • Portrait de opjose Auteur du sujet
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Re: Zero length

I have noticed the most zero length images coming from Mobigames but I am sure that one of the other scrapers also does the same at times.

Re: Menu

Thank you!

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Suggestions il y a 1 an 5 mois #1100

Hi ,
The zero size media file problem is normally fixed. See the 1928 Beta 7 version:
Download Beta link :

For the use of tabs, I am considering it, in order to air out the interface a bit, but not immediately.

You can go on the discord, I'm a little more reactive there, and I've created dedicated forums:

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