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Download & Installation of ARRM software



ARRM runs on Windows (7, 8 and 10). It uses the .NET Framework 4.5.2 and Visual C ++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015. It has been succesfully tested on .NET 4.7 and 4.8 . It is not Linux compatible (via Mono or Wine as of May 2019), nor Mac OS.

Before installing a new version (Beta and versions without installing excepted) , you must uninstall the previous version. If you have created new templates with a different name than the templates delivered by ARRM, they will be kept during the uninstall.

If you have modified / customized the configuration files / parameters located in '%appadata/nexouille soft/arrm/database', remember to make a backup via the button 'Backup configuration files' in the tab 'Tools'

To install the application, simply run the setup.exe (as administrator depending on your configuration) and follow the instructions.

For Beta , you must imperatively have the final version and replace the files with those provided in the zip.

For the versions without installing , just replace the files with those provided in the zip. It is not necessary to uninstall the previous version.

The first time you install ARRM, it is best to use the version with installer.

If you encounter the error below when launching ARRM.exe:

Check that you have installed the x64 & x86 Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable

If it still does not work, use the 32-bit version of ARRM that you will find in the ARRM installation directory (available from version 1916 beta 2). The file is called: Arrm_32bits.exe

If you are using Windows Defender you should allow ARRM app in windows defender. Follow this link : Allow ARRM.EXE application in Windows Defender


Available since version beta 9

Regularly files are updated.
If you want to take advantage of it without having to wait for a final version, you can go through the Update tab

The last update date of a file is displayed after the file name in yyyy/mm/dd format

This tab allows you to update various ARRM configuration files:


To uninstall ARRM, use the windows applications manager as usual. To remove any trace of the application :

Deleting the registry key: Hkey_current_user\software\Nex_Arrm allows you to reset the default settings the next time the application is launched.

Avoid display problems

To avoid any display problem (unreadable character, badly sized dialog box, buttons that do not appear completely), I invite you to apply the modifications present in the section FAQ & Error

Modify the Roms and Bezels paths before launching ARRM

For one reason or another, you sometimes work on different Roms and Bezels directories than the original ones. To avoid having to search ARRM for the paths, you can create a command file that will set the registry keys with the correct values ​​and start ARRM. You can thus create a file with the original paths and a file with your specific paths. It is up to you to launch the correct command file.

Example with an ARRM_launcher_original.cmd file

Rem change paths in registry before launching ARRM.
Rem  chemin_roms is path to roms folder   (eg : \\batocera\share\roms)
Rem  chemin_racine_recalbox is path for bezels  (eg : \\batocera\share)
reg add HKCU\Software\Nex_Arrm /t REG_SZ /v "chemin_racine_recalbox" /d "\\batocera\share" /f
reg add HKCU\Software\Nex_Arrm /t REG_SZ /v "chemin_roms" /d "\\batocera\share\roms" /f
Rem Starting ARRM
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Nexouille Soft\Arrm\Arrm.exe"

Example with an ARRM_launcher_specific.cmd file

Rem change paths in registry before launching ARRM.
Rem  chemin_roms is path to roms folder   (eg : \\recalbox\share\roms)
Rem  chemin_racine_recalbox is path for bezels  (eg : \\recalbox\share)
reg add HKCU\Software\Nex_Arrm /t REG_SZ /v "chemin_racine_recalbox" /d "z:\roms" /f
reg add HKCU\Software\Nex_Arrm /t REG_SZ /v "chemin_roms" /d "z:\" /f
Rem Starting ARRM
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Nexouille Soft\Arrm\Arrm.exe"

Likewise you can modify other registry keys.

Since version beta 2, you can also use Profiles to manage specific configurations. See: Manage scrape profiles