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ARRM software setting

When you run ARRM, you get this main screen (interface)

Before embarking on the manipulation of gamelists, roms and other scraps, it is necessary to configure the application so that it can meet your configuration and your needs. In the screenshot above, the setup part is surrounded by red to highlight it for this wiki. We will dwell on the 6 tabs that make up the setup part.

General options

  • Check Arrm update (checkbox): checks if a new version is present and displays a popup indicating the changelog of the new version and the link to download
  • Disable music (checkbox): removes intro and outro music from the application
  • End scrap alert (checkbox): allows to play a sound at the end of scrap
  • Check for missing images when loading gamelist.xml (checkbox) : When a gamelist.xml is loaded, if Media Tags are empty, ARRM tries to find the missing media locally
  • Edit No MD5 (button): open the file %appdata%\Nexouille soft\arrm\database\crc_no_calcul.txt containing the list of file extensions on which MD5 should not be calculated
  • ScummVM short names (button): opens the website indicating the short names to use for Scummvm games
  • Edit extensions (button): Changes the file extensions allowed by system. You must restart the program if changes have been made to this file. This file %appdata%\Nexouille soft\arrm\database\systemes_extensions.txt contains the extensions recognized by Recalbox AND Batocera. if you want to remove / add extensions, refer to the files _release me.txt / _readme.txt for Recalbox and _infos.txt for Batocera located in each system directory that contains the list of recognized extensions.
  • Edit Arcade core (button): open the file /%appdata%\Nexouille soft\arrm\database\recalbox_arcade_core.txt or batocera_arcade_core.txt which indicates which emulators and core to use for Arcade systems (Mame, FBA, FBA_Libretro) based on the file 'BestArcade4Recalbox'. (this file is used when pressing the 'Update Core' button)
  • Template association (button): opens the file %appdata%\Nexouille soft\arrm\database\template_association.txt which indicates which template mix associated with each system. Template association is done when the checkbox 'Auto Template' is checked.
  • Overlays Path (bouton) : Opens file : %appdata%\Nexouille soft\arrm\database\overlays_path.txt which contains paths used when generating overlays. Here you can setup paths for Systems and Games overlays for Recalbox and Retropie. For Batocera, paths are currently hardcoded in the application
  • Assignment of media Screenscraper + Media order (button) (from Goes to the page that allows you to assign the Screenscraper media to the different ARRM TAGs and to affect the order in which the media images and texts must be recovered in priority on Screenscraper. see the dedicated section.
  • Extra Tag + Default Image (button): Accesses the configuration menu for recovery of boxart, screenshot, wheel, video, cartridge, mix and setting custom tag setup. By activating the recovery of the boxart, screenshot, wheel and cartridge, you can use the button 'recompose image' to recreate your mix or other formats without having to re-scrape on the Internet. You can also choose default images that will take place when no image has been found. See below the configuration screen that appears when you click on this button:

  • Activation of recovery of 4 images + TAG Custom (checkbox): By checking this box you get the 4 images (screenshot, box, cartridge and wheel). During a scrap these 4 images are recovered separately, you can use the button 'recompose image' to recreate, at leisure, your mix or other formats without having to re-scrape. The image retained in the gamelist.xml will be the one chosen in 'image Options' configuration tab. The counterpart being the place a little more important occupied by the images and a longer duration of scrap.
  • Download video (video TAG) (checkbox): By checking this box you download the video of the ROM in the image directory. This video will appear in the gamelist.xml with the tag <video>. Attention only currently Retropie and Batocera (since 5.22 version) know how to manage this tag (Recalbox does not manage it for the moment)
  • Section Tags Custom : The default tags used in ARRM (boxart, screenshot, wheel, mix, cartridge, video); The officially recognized tags in emulationstation are image, marquee, thumbnail and video. It is strongly advised not to change the names of the tags in this page.
  • Default Image Section : Choose a default image that will take place if no image is found. Its use is reserved for very particular cases. In common usage it is best not to put a default image.


in which you can configure the paths for each of the media (image, screenshot, boxart, wheel, cartridge, titleshot, map, fanart, manual, video)

It could be like this :

  • downloaded_images
  • media/images
  • media/screenshot
  • media/cartridge
  • manuals
  • media/manual
  • meida/videos
  • etc…

Scrap Options

  • Clean rom (checkbox): Cleans the name of the game during a scrap, a search by MD5 or when adding the disk number. ARRM removes the characters between () and [] and moves the article (the, a, an, this… and those of the other languages Spa/Por/Ger/Fre) to the end of the name of the game. Examples:
    • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time
    • The Bard's Tale → Bard's Tale, The
  • Add disk (checkbox): When scrape or check of the name with MD5, ARRM adds the diskette number, Side number, and AGA/CD32 (for Amiga) at the end of the name (if this information is present in the file name). The elements sought by ARRM in the filename are: disc/disk/tape/side/part
  • Examples:
    • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) (en) (Disk 1 of 3) .st → Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade - The Graphic Adventure (Disk 1 of 3)
    • Knockout (Alligata Software) (Side A) (Europe) .tzx → Knockout (Side A)
  • Keep rom name (checkbox): When scrape or adding the disk number uses the name of the Rom file as the name of the game. This disables the 'Add disk' option because the Disk/K7/Side is already included in the rom file name
  • Auto search TGDB (checkbox): Automatically searches on the exact name of the game without asking any questions on Be careful, with the new API the automatic search is no longer as accurate. It is best not to activate it.
  • Add Country (checkbox): Add at the end of the name of the game the country if it is present in the file, or retrieved on Screenscraper if the MD5 of the game was filled.
  • Strict search (checkbox): Allows to retrieve only the games whose PlateformId corresponds to the sought platform.
  • Image as Rom file (checkbox): During a scrape, the image file is named with the name of the Rom and not with the name of the game returned by the scraper
  • Confirm each game (checkbox): When scrape on Screenscraper, request validation for each game. A popup displays a preview of the game info with images that must be accepted or rejected.
  • MD5 (checkbox): Arrm attempts a search on Screenscraper with the MD5 of the Rom when searching by filename does not work. Be careful calculating the MD5 can be a bit long with large files. To save time, you can prevent the calculation of the MD5 on some extensions by editing the list of extensions to avoid with the button 'Edit No MD5'on 'Main Options' configuration tab.
  • In .ZIP/.7z (checkbox): Sometimes searching with the MD5 on the zip gives nothing. By activating this option, ARRM will decompress the .ZIP/.7z and calculate the MD5 of the file contained in the .ZIP/.7z
  • No text (checkbox): During a scrape, does not take into account the textual information from the scraper. Useful if you have modified this information and do not want to be overwritten.
  • Force MD5 before scraping (checkbox) : allows to calculate the MD5 (if not already present), before the scrap. The research of information will be done in priority via the MD5 of the Rom.
  • Pad to Keyboard cfg (checkbox): When scraping, if this option is activated, ARRM retrie ves the configuration file .p2k.cfg from the current Rom. The file is stored in the directory where the rom is located and is called ' rom_filename.extension.p2k.cfg '. This file is used to assign keyboard keys to the joypad. Useful for computer emulators that sometimes use keyboard keys in games. See explanations:
  • Ignore Local Search (checkbox): When performing a scrape, if this option is enabled, ARRM ignores the search for a missing image locally in the scraped system images directory. This option is activated automatically when using 'Mix'Me'. If you scrap a system for the first time check this option to speed up the process.

When the Ignore local search option is unchecked, the section 'Images found locally considered as' appears. Here are these options:

  • Screenshot (checkbox): If this option is checked, when no image is returned by the scraper, the images, from other scrapers, found on the disc are automatically considered as a Screenshot and therefore the template is applied
  • Mix (checkbox): If this option is checked, when no image is returned by the scraper, the images, coming from other scrapers, found on the disc are considered automatically as already Mixed and thus the template is not applied.
  • Ignore other scrapers (checkbox): During a 'Recompose image', if no image is filled in the database, ARRM can ignore or allow local search for images from scrapers other than ARRM.

If none of the 2 options above (Screenshot or Mix) is checked, a popup (see image below) will ask the user to indicate if the image is a Screenshot or Mix.

Images Options

You can select here the type of image that will be used in your frontend (Recalbox, Batocera, Retropie etc.) to represent the game.:

  • Screenshot
  • Boxart
  • Marquee
  • Cartridge
  • Mix
  • Video

If the option '4 images' is activated, the 4 images will be recovered (Screenshot, Boxart, Marquee, Cartridge) but only the one corresponding to the option checked (among Screenshot, Boxart, Marquee, Mix) will be the default image of the game in the frontend (tag : image).

By default ARRM retrieves the images of the games in the versions corresponding to the selected language on the interface (except the Russian which is not present on Screenscraper). It is however possible to change the search order via the form 'Assignment of Media 'Screenscraper' + Media order'. See this chapter: Screenscraper media assigment with ARRM

  • Box (checkbox): If checked, ARRM tries to recover on the selected scrape site the 2D Boxart of the game. If you want the 3D Boxart, please checked also the Box 3D checkbox.
  • Box 3D (checkbox): If this option is checked, ARRM retrieves the 3D box of the game (only on Screenscraper) if not then 2D
  • Screenshot (checkbox): If checked, ARRM attempts to retrieve the game's Screenshot from the selected scrape site
    • Mix RB V1 (checkbox) : Allows to recover as screenshot the Mix V1 proposed by Screenscraper. Available only if V2 API is enabled.
    • Mix RB V2 (checkbox) : Allows to recover as screenshot the Mix V2 proposed by Screenscraper. Available only if V2 API is enabled.
    • Screen Title (checkbox): Allows to recover as screenshot the Screen Title proposed by Screenscraper. You can check 'Screen Title' and select Mix (the screenshot will be that of the Screentitle).
  • Marquee (checkbox): If checked, ARRM attempts to retrieve the Marquee / Game Title from the selected scrape site
  • Mix (checkbox): If checked, ARRM creates a Mix with the images recovered on the scrape site by applying one of the templates proposed by ARRM.
  • Video (checkbox): If checked, ARRM retrieves only the video of the game (only on Screenscraper) that it places in the videos directory of the scraped system. If you wish to download the video as well as the other scrap informations, check the 'video' checkbox via the 'Extra Tag + Default image + Video' menu or check the Download video (video TAG) checkbox in this tab. This option does not require the activation of the '4 images' mode
  • Download video (video TAG) (checkbox): If checked, during the scrap, ARRM also download the video of the game (only on Screencraper) that it places in the videos directory of the scraped system. Same as checkbox ' video ' of the menu ' Extra Tag + Default image + Video '
  • Retrieve the Manual (checkbox): If checked, when scraping, ARRM also retrieves the game manual (the priority of languages ​​and those of textual media) (only on Screencraper) which it places in the directory of scraped system manuals. This feeds the 'MANUAL' Tag in the gamelist.xml
  • Retrieve the Map (checkbox): If checked, when scraping, ARRM also retrieves the game's Map (if existing) (only on Screencraper) which it places in the Maps directory of the scraped system. This feeds the 'MAP' Tag in the gamelist.xml
  • Retrieve the Fanart (checkbox): If checked, when scraping, ARRM also retrieves the game's Fanart (if existing) (only on Screencraper) which it places in the Fanart directory of the scraped system. This feeds the 'FANART' Tag in the gamelist.xml
  • Retrieve the Map (checkbox): If checked, when scraping, ARRM also retrieves the game's Map (if existing) (only on Screencraper) which it places in the Maps directory of the scraped system. This feeds the 'MAP' Tag in the gamelist.xml
  • Retrieve the Titleshot (checkbox): If checked, when scraping, ARRM also retrieves the Titleshot of the game (if existing) (only on Screencraper) which it places in the Titleshot directory of the scraped system. This feeds the 'TITLESHOT' Tag in the gamelist.xml
  • No image, only texts (checkbox): If checked, ARRM only retrieves the text information on the scrape site.
  • Media order (combobox): allows you to select the country preset, which contains the order of the countries in which the media must be searched (images and texts). See the dedicated section. Click on the button (with the arrows) to update the combobox (in case presets have been modified / added)
  • Overlays (checkbox): If checked, ARRM retrieves the overlays of the games (only on Screenscraper). Overlays are stored in the overlays directory you specified. If you only want to recover overlays, check 'Overlays' and 'No image' and start the scrap.) ARRM creates the configuration files automatically by detecting the areas of the viewport For much more detail see the dedicated chapter : How to recover overlays of systems and games
    • (bouton) : Opens the directory containing the overlays models
  • Dev (checkbox): Allows you to recover an overlay image with the viewport area detected by Arrm surrounded by yellow. This will detect and correct overlay errors.
  • Custom (checkbox): Prioritize custom overlays (cus). It is advisable to activate this option because custom overlays often correct certain transparency problems.
  • 4/3 (radio button): Only recover overlays in 4/3 format (native resolution on Screenscraper: 1024×768)
    • → 1280×1024 (checkbox): convert the recovered 4/3 overlays to a resolution of 1280×1024
  • 16/9 (radio button): Only recover overlays in 16/9 format native (resolution on Screenscraper: 1920×1080)
    • → 720 (checkbox): Convert the recovered 16/9 overlays to a resolution of 1280×720

   The coordinates of the viewports are calculated according to the resolutions chosen. These options also apply to the recovery of system overlays.

  • Manual (checkbox): If checked, ARRM retrieves the game manual (only on Screenscraper) and saves it in a subfolder named 'manuals'
  • Cartridge (checkbox): If checked, ARRM attempts to retrieve the cartridge of the game.
  • Delete unused images files (button): Erases all images in the current system folder that are not associated with a Rom file in the gamelist.xml
  • Show Mix model (button): Displays the template selection menu used with the 'Mix' option

Gamelist Options

This configuration tab is used to manage the behavior of the gamelist.xml file

  • Without Hidden (checkbox): Roms tagged as 'hidden' will not be written to the gamelist.xml file
  • Add Index (checkbox): ARRM has a sorting module on 5 criteria. Currently only Retropie and Batocera (since 5.22 version) can handle multi-criteria sorting via a <sortname> tag. For front end such as Recalbox, you must use a trick that allows you to keep this sort and select Emulationstation sort by name. This option allows you to add an index in the gamelist.xml in front of the name of the games to allow the management of multi-criteria sorts. The <sortname> tag is also written to your gamelist.xml in case your frontend can take it into account. If the result does not suit you simply disable this option and save your gamelist.xml again. Example of file names with Index:
    • 012 = - Batman Forever
    • 013 = - Batman Returns
    • 014 = - Blues Brothers, The
  • Remove sortname tag (checkbox): doesn't write the sortname tag in the gamelist.xml

Note : ARRM uses this tag, adding an index before the name in the <sortname>, in order to be able to sort the database according to certain criteria. The counterpart is that, in your Frontend, this cancels the possibility of making a 'jump to a given letter'. If you wish to continue to make jumps to a given letter in your frontend, you must check this checkbox No sortname tag and save your gamelist.xml for consideration.

  • Backup old gamelist (checkbox): Make a backup of your old gamelist.xml in the backup folder of the selected system before saving the new one.
  • Auto Save Gamelist (checkbox): Automatically backs up the entire current gamelist.xml file during a system change, when you exit the application or when you click 'Create gamelist.xml'
  • Remove filter (checkbox): If enabled, when saving the gamelist.xml file, all filters are removed and the entire list (database) is selected.
  • Temporary Gamelist (checkbox): A gamelist_tempo.xml file is created during the progression of the scrape in the directory of the scraped system. Thus during a crash of the application it is possible to retrieve the information from this file the next time the system is loaded.
  • ZIP gamelist.xml (checkbox): When creating the gamelist.xml a file is created.
  • Open created xml (checkbox): Open with, your default text editor, the file gamelist.xml after its backup / creation.
  • Backup all gamelists (button): Create a backup folder in each system folder and create a copy with the date and time of each gamelist.xml. Make sure to make a backup before starting to edit your gamelist.xml

Batocera / Screenscraper / TGBD

  • Batocera (checkbox): Check if you use Batocera. Used for some specificities of this system (management of some systems, list core, script of stop/start; overlays management etc…)
  • Retropie (checkbox): Check if you use Retropie. Used for some specificities of this system (script of stop/restart, es_systems.cfg file management, overlays management etc…)

If Batocera and Retropie are not checked, Recalbox is assumed as the selected Frontend.

  • API v2 Screenscraper (beta) (checkbox): You have to check it, otherwise scrap will not work
  • TGBD Requests left (label): TheGamesDb API limits the number of requests to 1500 per user per month . You will see here the number of calls you have left.
  • Search limit TGDB (textbox): When TheGamesDB finds several results, the display will be limited to the specified number.
  • Auto search TGDB (checkbox): Automatically searches on the exact name of the game without asking any questions on Be careful, with the new API the automatic search is no longer as accurate. It is best not to activate it.
  • Preview images on TGDB (checkbox): On the window for selecting a game found on TheGameDB, displays or not a screenshot thumbnail / title / box found. Warning this consumes API requests on TheGamesDB.
  • Stop EmulationStation (button): Before modifying your gamelist.xml it is necessary to stop the EmulationStation service. To do only if you work directly on the FrontEnd via a network share. Remember to check Batocera or Retropie if you are on this system because the scripts are different.
  • Reboot Batocera / Recalbox / Retropie (button): Allows you to restart the Batocera / Recalbox / Retropie system. To do only if you work directly on the FrontEnd. Remember to check Batocera or Retropie if you are on this system because the scripts are different.
  • Login Screenscraper (button): Displays a popup to enter your username / password on screenscraper. It is preferable (but not mandatory) to create an account on because it favors registered users during scrapes.

Click on 'Check identifier' to view your authorisations, then click on 'validation' to accept the current credentials

  • Login (textbox): Login for SSH access on your Recalbox / Batocera / Retropie systems
    • Default login on Recalbox: root
    • Default login on Batocera: root
    • Default login on Retropie: pi
  • Password (textbox): Password for SSH access on your Recalbox / Batocera / Retropie systems
    • Default password on Recalbox: recalboxroot
    • Default password on Batocera: linux
    • Default password on Retropie: raspberry
  • Batocera / Recalbox (textbox): Network name for SSH access on your Recalbox / Batocera / Retropie systems
    • Default name on Recalbox: recalbox
    • Default name on Batocera: batocera
    • Default name on Retropie: retropie or IP address


Available in version

This tab offers you various tools:

  • System sorter Sort es_systems.cfg (button): allows to display a module allowing to sort the file 'es_systems.cfg' according to 6 maximum criteria:
    • system_id: system code in the frontend
    • system_name: system name
    • system_manufacturer: name of the system manufacturer
    • system_releasedate: release date of system on the market
    • system_type: type of system (arcade, console, computer, portable)
    • system_custom_sort: custom sort criterion (By putting a unique number per system and using this unique sorting criterion, you can sort your file more finely.)

ARRM uses the file '%appdata%\roaming\nexouille soft\database\systems_sorting.txt' that you can adapt to your systems. It looks like this:

# system_id;system_name;system_manufacturer;system_releasedate;system_type;system_custom_sort (table systems_sorting)
# you can adjust more precisely your sort by assigning a different number to system_custom_sort and sorting on this criteria
3ds;Nintendo 3DS;Nintendo;2011;portable;0
amiga;Amiga 500;Commodore;1987;computer;0
amiga500;Amiga 500;Commodore;1987;computer;0
amiga500+;Amiga 500+;Commodore;1991;computer;0
amiga600;Amiga 600;Commodore;1991;computer;0
amiga1000;Amiga 1000;Commodore;1985;computer;0
amiga1200;Amiga 1200;Commodore;1992;computer;0
amiga3000;Amiga 3000;Commodore;1990;computer;0
amiga4000;Amiga 4000;Commodore;1992;computer;0
amigacd32;Amiga CD32;Commodore;1993;console;0
amstradcpc;Amstrad CPC;Amstrad;1984;computer;0
apple2;Apple II;Apple;1977;computer;0
atari2600;Atari 2600;Atari;1977;console;0
atari5200;Atari 5200;Atari;1982;console;0
atari7800;Atari 7800;Atari;1986;console;0
atari800;Atari 800;Atari;1979;computer;0
atarifalcon;Atari Falcon030;Atari;1992;computer;0
atarijaguarcd;Atari Jaguar CD;Atari;1995;console;0
atarist;Atari ST;Atari;1985;computer;0
atarixe;Atari XE;Atari;1985;computer;0

If you have non-standard systems in your 'es_systems.cfg' it is imperative to add them to this file, respecting the syntax, before running the sort. Modify the file, quit, then restart the sorting module to take into account file changes.

  • Backup configuration files (button): Create a backup with the current date of the user-modifiable parameter files that are in this directory: '%appdata%\roaming\nexouille soft\database\. A backup subdirectory is created. Remember to do this backup before uninstalling ARRM.
  • SpeedUp (checkbox): Accelerates image processing by removing the validity check from the recovered image file (file in the correct png format etc). When loading the 'gamelist.xml', do not check if the images referenced in the 'gamelist.xml' file exist locally.
  • Web Request TimeOut (sec) (textbox): Sets the timeout for web requests in seconds. Increase the value if the scrap site is overloaded.
  • Pngequant parameters (textbox): allows to modify pngquant image compression parameters. If empty, the following default values are applied: –force –verbose –ordered –speed=1 –quality=30-90 –ext .png
  • Handbrake parameters (textbox) : allows to modify handbrake video compression parameters. If empty, the following default values are applied: -Z “Gmail Small 10 Minutes 288p30” –crop 0:0:0:0 -f av_mp4 .List of differents presets (-Z) usable. The default preset can reduce videos by more than half. See : Compress videos to save storage space
  • FFmpeg parameters (textbox): allows to modify the video compression parameters of FFmpeg. If empty, the following default values are applied: -ac 1 -c:v libx264 -preset:v slow -profile:v main -level 3.1 -filter_complex “format=yuv420p,scale='if(gt(in_w,in_h),288,-2):if(gt(in_w,in_h),-2,288)'” -r 30 -f mp4 -y

You can try this other parameters for FFmpeg : -ac 1 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 35 -preset:v slow -y Documentation FFmpeg. See : Compress videos to save storage space

  • Compress video (checkbox) : If checked, compresse video with handbrake. Compressing the videos also makes them compatible with the OMX player on Retropie. See : Compress videos to save storage space
  • Compress selected videos (button): With this button you can compress all the videos of a system. Open the system, select the roms and click on the button 'Compress selected videos'. See : Compress videos to save storage space
  • Best Arcade Core Update (button): allows you to update the database with the best core arcade based games. Uses the files 'fba_libretro.csv', 'mame2003.csv', 'mame2010.csv' from BestArcade. These files are located in '%appdata%\nexouille soft\arrm\database'. The 'Update Core' button uses this database.
  • Recover Media (button): retrieves, on Screenscraper, the wheels of the present systems. (allows to have updated systems wheels for display in the ' Rom Information ' panel)

   * Add Flag (button): Adds flags to the image without having to re-scrape. The template selected must be the one originally used on the existing image and have the <region1> and <region2> tags that indicate the position of the flag. Note: the <region>true</ region> tag is not needed.

   * World Flag (checkbox): Forces the addition of the World flag when no region is found.


This tab allows you to access different pages:

Go to Presentation of the ARRM software interface

settings-en.1600359466.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2020/09/17 18:17 de nexusone13