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ARRM il y a 2 ans 8 mois #931

  • nex
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  • Messages : 121
  • Remerciements reçus 16

ARRM is available (09/12/2021)

* Addition of a scrape module on GOG: Recovery of media Logo, Fanart, Video, Screenshot (to choose from 4 available). Wiki: (requested by Bob Morane on the ARRM Discord)
* Addition of a scrape module on Steam: Recovery of Boxart 2D media, Logo, Fanart, Video, Screenshot (to choose from 4 available). Wiki: (requested by Bob Morane on the ARRM Discord)
* Addition of a scrape module on HFS-DB ( Recovery of Boxart 2D / 3D media, Logo, Fanart, Video, Screenshot, Cartouche, Titleshot, Round Wheel. Wiki: (Requested by Bob Morane on Discord ARRM) (Thanks to hfsplay for API access)
* Changed the Scrape on TheGamesDB which now works as HFS-DB. WIKI :

* Gamelist creation is now faster for Windows / PS3 systems (requested by TVslan on Discord ARRM)
* In the 'Tools' tab, the 'Backup configuration files' button allows you to save the ARRM configuration files as well as the associated registry keys. Wiki
* In the 'Tools' tab, the 'Restore configuration files' button allows you to select and restore the ARRM configuration files as well as the associated registry keys
* When using the 'Rename with DAT' button, the 'temporary' tag is filled in with the DAT file in which the rom was found.
* when exporting to AttractMode format, the game description is saved in %romfile%.txt files in the Romlists save directory (the user must place them in the right place in his AttractMode configuration)

* Fixed the export option in CSV format no longer worked (thanks HadoKen)
* Fixed a bug which prevented to find the right platform (system) when your systems included capital letters in the files: systemes_screenscraper.txt, systemes_tgdb.txt, systemes_hfsdb.txt and systemes_gamesdatabase.txt (detected by Bob Morane on Discord ARRM)
* Fixed a bug where extensions were not taken into account when system names were not lowercase in systemes_extensions.txt (thanks Bob Morane)
* Fixed a bug that prevented saving image directory names in the folder tab (thank you [RGS] and Soaresden)
* Fixed bug on 'Delete media' button, boxbacks were not deleted
* Fixed a bug on loading the gamelist with the <folder> tag not containing the <image> tag or with the <image> tag empty
* Fixed a bug where 'PC / DOS as files' as well as 'systemes_as_folder.txt' were not taken into account.
* Fixed a bug when the 'system folder' only consisted of a drive name (E :, F: etc…) (thanks Knockthedoor)
* Fixed a bug that deleted '-extra1' images when using the 'Delete unused images and videos' button. They are no longer deleted for the moment. (thank you Nordicpower)
* Fixed various bugs

Download links:

version with installer:
version without installer:

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