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Create your own template for ARRM

ARRM allows you to create your own templates that you can use during your scraps using the ' Mix ' mode in ' Images Options '.

Template directory

A template must be placed in the directory: %appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\ressources\templates\template_name

The name given to the directory (template_name) is free of choice.

Be careful, if you create templates, use new directory names otherwise they will be removed during an uninstallation of the application during the update process.

This directory (name_du_template) must contain the following file:

We will take as an example the template ArcadeHome located in the directory %appdata%\Nexouille Soft\Arrm\templates\mix_arcade_ArcadeHome whose final rendering is the following:

This directory contains the following elements:

ArcadeHome template configuration .xml file

Here is an example of an ArcadeHome template .xml file, which you will need to adapt according to the template you want to make. This corresponds to the template ' mix_arcade_ArcadeHome.xml ' available in the directory %appdata%\Nexouille Soft\Arrm\templates\mix_arcade_ArcadeHome (see above)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
		<author>Franck P.</author>
		<description>SET EXTRA1 to marquee and check "black borders" in media assignment to get the upper arcade marquee in the arcade cabinet
		set region to true to display regionflag
		you can remove system in layer to disable system name
		<name>ArcadeHome (conversion of Skraper template)</name>

		<!--always set it to profile if elements use perspective display-->

		<!--if screenshot media size is less than the dedicated area of screenshot, it will be fill with black-->
		<!--if extra1 media size is less than the dedicated area of extra1 , it will be fill with black-->
		<!--if system media size is less than the dedicated area of system , it will be fill with black-->
		<!--Size of generated template -->

		<!--Assign Extra 1 to (marquee) Screenscraper and  set <extra1_add_black_borders> to true -->
		<!--It will display arcade marquee in the dedicated area of the arcade cabinet-->
		<!--EXTRA1 area size in the template-->

		<!--SCREENSHOT area size in the template-->

		<!--MARQUEE area size in the template-->

		<!--SYSTEM : it's the name of the system or for arcade the name of the publisher-->
		<!--SYSTEM area size in the template-->

		<!--if <region> is set to true, flags of country will be displayed. 2 flags Maximum -->
		<!--coordinates of the first flag-->

		<!--coordinates of the 2nd flag-->

		<!--Definition of the layers. layer1 is the farthest, layer10 is the closest-->



Another example of an .xml file, usable since the ARRM version which allows to manage differently the display of boxarts according to their format (portrait, landscape (style N64), CD), managed by the tags:

Example with the template file ' Next_Pixel_1080_console.xml ' available in the directory %appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\ressources\templates\Next_Pixel_1080_console

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<author>Franck P.</author>
		<description>Template for NextPixel :  CONSOLES snes,gx4000,jaguar,megadrive,neogeo,pcengine,n64,satellaview,sega32x,sufami,3do,amigacd32,dreamcast,gc,neogeocd,pcenginecd,pcfx,ps2,psx,saturn,segacd,supergrafx</description>

		<item boxart="portrait">
		<item boxart="landscape">		
		<item boxart="cd">		
		<resize width = "630" height = "540" />	
		<layer7 />
		<layer8 />
		<layer9 />
		<layer10 />

Description of the tags

<name> Name of the template. It will be displayed in the mix selection

<sample> name of the png file containing the sample of the final template. It will be displayed in the mix selection

<comment> Informative commentary \\

<category> Categories separated by a comma, allowing filtering in the template selection module. See Choose your template

<type> put profile (<type>profile</type>) → If you are using perspective views , put <type> profile </type>, otherwise leave nothing.

If <type>profile</type> is present it is necessary to use the 8 coordinates system as well as the width and height for screenshot, marquee, system, fanart, titleshot, extra1
Since version 1920 Beta 11 it is also necessary to put the system 8 coordinates for Boxart, BoxBack and Cartridge.

<box> put true (<box>true</box>), if you want to display the boxart, otherwise false

<marquee> set true (<marquee>true</marquee>), if you want to display the marquee (title), else false

<add_black_borders> set true (<add_black_borders>true</add_black_borders>) to fill in black the surface of the screenshot area (defined by <custom_screenshot_width> and <custom_screenshot_height> ) and then apply the screenshot to this black surface.

<extra1_add_black_borders> set true (<extra1_add_black_borders>true</extra1_add_black_borders>) to fill in black the area of the extra1 area defined by <custom_extra1_width> and <custom_extra1_height> ) and then apply the extra1 on this black surface. (from version 1893 beta 6)

<system_add_black_borders> set true (<system_add_black_borders>true</system_add_black_borders>) to fill in black the area of the system area (defined by <custom_system_width> and <custom_system_height> ) and then apply the system on this black surface. (from version 1893 beta 6)

Size of you final Mix image (optional)

<custom_background_width> total width of your template image

<custom_background_height> total height of your template image


corresponds to the <screenshot> tag of the gamelist

Coordinates of the screenshot which will be displayed in the template if <type>profile</type> IS filled in .

Details of the screenshot that will be displayed in the template. The screenshot area is shown in yellow in the image below with green coordinates

<custom_screenshot_ulx> X coordinate of the point at the top left of the screenshot in your template <custom_screenshot_uly> Y coordinate of the point at the top left of the screenshot in your template <custom_screenshot_urx> X coordinate of the point at the top right of the screenshot in your template <custom_screenshot_ury> Y coordinate of the point at the top right of the screenshot in your template <custom_screenshot_llx> X coordinate of the point at the bottom left of the screenshot in your template <custom_screenshot_lly> Y coordinate of the point at the bottom left of the screenshot in your template <custom_screenshot_lrx> X coordinate of the point at the bottom right of the screenshot in your template <custom_screenshot_lry> Y coordinate of the point at the bottom right of the screenshot in your template

Coordinates of the screenshot which will be displayed in the template if <type>profile</type> IS NOT filled in .

<custom_screenshot_x> X coordinate of the point at the top left of the screenshot in your template <custom_screenshot_y> Y coordinate of the point at the top left of the screenshot in your template

Size of the screenshot (necessary in all cases)

<custom_screenshot_width> is the width of the screenshot in the template (calculation: <custom_screenshot_urx> - <custom_screenshot_ulx>)
<custom_screenshot_height> is the height of the screenshot in the template (calculation: <custom_screenshot_lly> - <custom_screenshot_uly>)


Since version 1913 Beta 6, you can apply different values ​​depending on the format of the SCREENSHOT with the tag <item>
The conditions are as follows:
  • portrait: height > width
  • landscape: width / height >= 1.3
  • cd: width / height >= 1 and < 1.3
<item screenshot="portrait">

<item screenshot="landscape">

<item screenshot="cd">


corresponds to the <boxart> tag of the gamelist

Coordinates of the boxart which will be displayed in the template if <type>profile</type> IS filled in .

<custom_boxart_ulx> X coordinate of the point at the top left of the boxart in your template
<custom_boxart_uly> Y coordinate of the point at the top left of the boxart in your template
<custom_boxart_urx> X coordinate of the point at the top right of the boxart in your template
<custom_boxart_ury> Y coordinate of the point at the top right of the boxart in your template
<custom_boxart_llx> X coordinate of the point at the bottom left of the boxart in your template
<custom_boxart_lly> Y coordinate of the point at the bottom left of the boxart in your template
<custom_boxart_lrx> X coordinate of the point at the bottom right of the boxart in your template
<custom_boxart_lry> Y coordinate of the point at the bottom right of the boxart in your template

Coordinates of the boxart which will be displayed in the template if <type>profile</type> IS NOT filled in

<custom_boxart_x> X coordinate of the point at the top left of the boxart in your template
<custom_boxart_y> Y coordinate of the point at the top left of the boxart in your template

Size of the boxart (necessary in all cases)

<custom_boxart_width> is the width of the Boxart
<custom_boxart_height> corresponds to the height of the Boxart, Be careful that (custom_boxart_y + custom_boxart_height) is not> to custom_background_height otherwise the boxart would come out of the screen.

You can apply different values ​​depending on the BOXART format with the <item> tag
The conditions are as follows:
  • portrait: height > width
  • landscape: width / height >= 1.3
  • cd: width / height >= 1 and < 1.3

		<item boxart="portrait">
		<item boxart="landscape">		
		<item boxart="cd">		



corresponds to the <wheel> tag of the gamelist

Coordinates of the marquee which will be displayed in the template if <type>profile</type> IS filled in .

The Marquee area is shown in yellow in the image below with green coordinates

<custom_marquee_ulx> X coordinate of the point at the top left of the marquee in your template
<custom_marquee_uly> Y coordinate of the point at the top left of the marquee in your template
<custom_marquee_urx> X coordinate of the point at the top right of the marquee in your template
<custom_marquee_ury> Y coordinate of the point at the top right of the marquee in your template
<custom_marquee_llx> X coordinate of the point at the bottom left of the marquee in your template
<custom_marquee_lly> Y coordinate of the point at the bottom left of the marquee in your template
<custom_marquee_lrx> X coordinate of the point at the bottom right of the marquee in your template
<custom_marquee_lry> Y coordinate of the point at the bottom right of the marquee in your template

Coordinates of the marquee which will be displayed in the template if <type>profile</type> IS NOT filled in

<custom_marquee_x> X coordinate of the point at the top left of the marquee in your template
<custom_marquee_y> Y coordinate of the point at the top left of the marquee in your template

Size of the Marquee (necessary in all cases)

<custom_marquee_width> is the width of the marquee in the template (calculation: <custom_marquee_urx> - <custom_marquee_ulx>)
<custom_marquee_height> is the height of the marquee in the template (calculation: <custom_marquee_lly> - <custom_marquee_uly>)



corresponds to the <wheel> tag of the gamelist

Coordinates of the marquee2 which will be displayed in the template if <type>profile</type> IS filled in .
It is possible to display a 2nd Marquee at another place in the image. Same principle as the MARQUEE
In this case, add the following lines:

<custom_marquee2_ulx> X coordinate of the point at the top left of marquee2 in your template
<custom_marquee2_uly> Y coordinate of the point at the top left of marquee2 in your template
<custom_marquee2_urx> X coordinate of the point at the top right of marquee2 in your template
<custom_marquee2_ury> Y coordinate of the point at the top right of marquee2 in your template
<custom_marquee2_llx> X coordinate of the point at the bottom left of the marquee2 in your template
<custom_marquee2_lly> Y coordinate of the point at the bottom left of the marquee2 in your template
<custom_marquee2_lrx> X coordinate of the point at the bottom right of the marquee2 in your template
<custom_marquee2_lry> Y coordinate of the point at the bottom right of marquee2 in your template

Coordinates of the marquee2 which will be displayed in the template if <type>profile</type> IS NOT filled in

<custom_marquee2_x> X coordinate of the point at the top left of marquee2 in your template
<custom_marquee2_y> Y coordinate of the point at the top left of marquee2 in your template

Size of the marquee2 (necessary in all cases)

<custom_marquee2_width> is the width of marquee2 in the template (calculation: <custom_marquee2_urx> - <custom_marquee2_ulx>)
<custom_marquee2_height> is the height of marquee2 in the template (calculation: <custom_marquee2_lly> - <custom_marquee2_uly>)


corresponds to the <fanart> tag of the gamelist

Coordinates of the fanart which will be displayed in the template if <type>profile</type> IS filled in .

Coordinates of FANART

<custom_fanart_ulx> X coordinate of the point at the top left of fanart in your template
<custom_fanart_uly> Y coordinate of the point at the top left of fanart in your template
<custom_fanart_urx> X coordinate of the point at the top right of fanart in your template
<custom_fanart_ury> Y coordinate of the point at the top right of fanart in your template
<custom_fanart_llx> X coordinate of the point at the bottom left of the fanart in your template
<custom_fanart_lly> Y coordinate of the point at the bottom left of the fanart in your template
<custom_fanart_lrx> X coordinate of the point at the bottom right of the fanart in your template
<custom_fanart_lry> Y coordinate of the point at the bottom right of fanart in your template

Coordinates of the fanart which will be displayed in the template if <type>profile</type> IS NOT filled in

<custom_fanart_x> X coordinate of the point at the top left of fanart in your template
<custom_fanart_y> Y coordinate of the point at the top left of fanart in your template

Size of fanart (necessary in all cases)

<custom_fanart_width> is the width of fanart in the template (calculation: <custom_fanart_urx> - <custom_fanart_ulx>)
<custom_fanart_height> is the height of fanart in the template (calculation: <custom_fanart_lly> - <custom_fanart_uly>)

You can apply different values depending on the format of the FANART (standard or steam) with the tag <item>
The conditions are as follows:
  • steam: width / height >= 2.5
  • Standard: (width / height >= 1) and ((width / height < 2.5)

Example with the fanart screenshot 720p template:

Depending on the format, one layer can be replaced by another.
Here, the screenshot on the <layer2> is replaced by a fanart on <layer2>



<item fanart="standard">
	<!--	<layer1>background.png</layer1>  -->

<item fanart="steam">


corresponds to the <titleshot> tag of the gamelist

Coordinates of the titleshot which will be displayed in the template if <type>profile</type> IS filled in .

Coordinates of TITLESHOT

<custom_titleshot_ulx> X coordinate of the point at the top left of titleshot in your template
<custom_titleshot_uly> Y coordinate of the point at the top left of titleshot in your template
<custom_titleshot_urx> X coordinate of the point at the top right of titleshot in your template
<custom_titleshot_ury> Y coordinate of the point at the top right of titleshot in your template
<custom_titleshot_llx> X coordinate of the point at the bottom left of the titleshot in your template
<custom_titleshot_lly> Y coordinate of the point at the bottom left of the titleshot in your template
<custom_titleshot_lrx> X coordinate of the point at the bottom right of the titleshot in your template
<custom_titleshot_lry> Y coordinate of the point at the bottom right of titleshot in your template

Coordinates of the titleshot which will be displayed in the template if <type>profile</type> IS NOT filled in

<custom_titleshot_x> X coordinate of the point at the top left of titleshot in your template
<custom_titleshot_y> Y coordinate of the point at the top left of titleshot in your template

Size of TITLESHOT (necessary in all cases)

<custom_titleshot_width> is the width of titleshot in the template (calculation: <custom_titleshot_urx> - <custom_titleshot_ulx>)
<custom_titleshot_height> is the height of titleshot in the template (calculation: <custom_titleshot_lly> - <custom_titleshot_uly>)


corresponds to the <cartridge> tag of the gamelist

Coordinates of the cartridge which will be displayed in the template if <type>profile</type> IS filled in .

<custom_cartridge_ulx> X coordinate of the point at the top left of the cartridge in your template
<custom_cartridge_uly> Y coordinate of the point at the top left of the cartridge in your template
<custom_cartridge_urx> X coordinate of the point at the top right of the cartridge in your template
<custom_cartridge_ury> Y coordinate of the point at the top right of the cartridge in your template
<custom_cartridge_llx> X coordinate of the point at the bottom left of the cartridge in your template
<custom_cartridge_lly> Y coordinate of the point at the bottom left of the cartridge in your template
<custom_cartridge_lrx> X coordinate of the point at the bottom right of the cartridge in your template
<custom_cartridge_lry> Y coordinate of the point at the bottom right of the cartridge in your template

Coordinates of the cartridge which will be displayed in the template if <type>profile</type> IS NOT filled in

<custom_cartridge_x> X coordinate of the point at the top left of the cartridge in your template
<custom_cartridge_y> Y coordinate of the point at the top left of the cartridge in your template

Size of the cartridge (necessary in all cases)
<custom_cartridge_width> is the width of the cartridge
<custom_cartridge_height> is the height of the cartridge, Be careful that (custom_cartridge_y + custom_cartridge_height) is not> to custom_background_height otherwise the cartridge would come out of the screen.

You can apply different values depending on the format of the CARTRIDGE with the <item> tag (From version 1882 beta 11)
The conditions are as follows:
  • portrait: height > width
  • landscape: width / height >= 1.3
  • cd: width / height >= 1 and < 1.3

		<item cartridge="portrait">
		<item cartridge="landscape">		
		<item cartridge="cd">		


(from version 1882 beta 11)

corresponds to the <boxback> tag of the gamelist, in general corresponds to the back of the box Remember to define it in the screenscraper media assignment

Coordinates of the boxback which will be displayed in the template if <type>profile</type> IS filled in .

<custom_boxback_ulx> X coordinate of the point at the top left of the boxback in your template
<custom_boxback_uly> Y coordinate of the point at the top left of the boxback in your template
<custom_boxback_urx> X coordinate of the point at the top right of the boxback in your template
<custom_boxback_ury> Y coordinate of the point at the top right of the boxback in your template
<custom_boxback_llx> X coordinate of the point at the bottom left of the boxback in your template
<custom_boxback_lly> Y coordinate of the point at the bottom left of the boxback in your template
<custom_boxback_lrx> X coordinate of the point at the bottom right of the boxback in your template
<custom_boxback_lry> Y coordinate of the point at the bottom right of the boxback in your template

Coordinates of the boxback which will be displayed in the template if <type>profile</type> IS NOT filled in

<custom_boxback_x> X coordinate of the point at the top left of the boxback in your template
<custom_boxback_y> Y coordinate of the point at the top left of the boxback in your template

Size of the boxback (necessary in all cases)

<custom_boxback_width> corresponds to the width of the BoxBack
<custom_boxback_height> corresponds to the height of the BoxBack, Be careful that (custom_boxback_y + custom_boxback_height) are not> at custom_background_height otherwise the BoxBack will exit the screen.

You can apply different values ​​depending on the BOXBACK format with the <item> tag
The conditions are as follows:
  • portrait: height > width
  • landscape: width / height >= 1.3
  • cd: width / height >= 1 and < 1.3
		<item boxback="portrait">
		<item boxback="landscape">		
		<item boxback="cd">		


(from version 1892 beta 1)

This tag is introduced in version 1892 beta 1. You must assign a media to it via the form Assignment of 'Screenscraper' media . For example, we can assign it the media marquee which corresponds on Screenscraper to the marquee displayed on the top of the arcades, as in the example below

This tag is not registered in the gamelist. ARRM finds the media if it is present in its dedicated directory. See Folders

Coordinates of the EXTRA1 which will be displayed in the template if <type>profile</type> IS filled in .

<custom_extra1_ulx> X coordinate of the point at the top left of the extra1 in your template
<custom_extra1_uly> Y coordinate of the point at the top left of the extra1 in your template
<custom_extra1_urx> X coordinate of the point at the top right of the extra1 in your template
<custom_extra1_ury> Y coordinate of the point at the top right of the extra1 in your template
<custom_extra1_llx> X coordinate of the point at the bottom left of the extra1 in your template
<custom_extra1_lly> Y coordinate of the point at the bottom left of the extra1 in your template
<custom_extra1_lrx> X coordinate of the point at the bottom right of the extra1 in your template
<custom_extra1_lry> Y coordinate of the point at the bottom right of the extra1 in your template

Coordinates of the EXTRA1 which will be displayed in the template if <type>profile</type> IS NOT filled in

<custom_extra1_x> X coordinate of the point at the top left of the extra1 in your template
<custom_extra1_y> Y coordinate of the point at the top left of the extra1 in your template

Size of EXTRA1 (necessary in all cases)

<custom_extra1_width> corresponds to the width of extra1 in the template (calculation: <custom_extra1_urx> - <custom_extra1_ulx>)
<custom_extra1_height> corresponds to the height of extra1 in the template (calculation: <custom_extra1_lly> - <custom_extra1_uly>)


(from version 1893 beta 5)

This tag is introduced in version 1893 beta 5


It displays the system name or, for Arcade systems, the name of the Arcade system. The media corresponds to the Wheel tag of the systems on screenscraper and is located in the directory: %appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\ressources\logos_wheel\%nom_du_système%.png

You can see SYSTEM in the template ArcadeHome

This tag is not registered in the gamelist. ARRM finds the media if it is present in the directory %appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\ressources\logos_wheel\%nom_du_système%.png

Coordinates of the SYSTEM which will be displayed in the template if <type>profile</type> IS filled in .

<custom_system_ulx> X coordinate of the point at the top left of the system in your template
<custom_system_uly> Y coordinate of the point at the top left of the system in your template
<custom_system_urx> X coordinate of the point at the top right of the system in your template
<custom_system_ury> Y coordinate of the point at the top right of the system in your template
<custom_system_llx> X coordinate of the point at the bottom left of the system in your template
<custom_system_lly> Y coordinate of the point at the bottom left of the system in your template
<custom_system_lrx> X coordinate of the point at the bottom right of the system in your template
<custom_system_lry> Y coordinate of the point at the bottom right of the system in your template

Coordinates of the SYSTEM which will be displayed in the template if <type>profile</type> IS NOT filled in

<custom_system_x> X coordinate of the point at the top left of the system in your template
<custom_system_y> Y coordinate of the point at the top left of the system in your template

Size of SYSTEM (necessary in all cases)

<custom_system_width> correspond à la largeur du extra1 dans le template (calcul : <custom_system_urx> - <custom_system_ulx>)
<custom_system_height> correspond à la hauteur du extra1 dans le template (calcul : <custom_system_lly> - <custom_system_uly>)

<resize width = “630” height = “540” /> tells ARRM (since version to resize the mix with a width of 630px and a height of 540px

Definition of Layers

ARRM can combine 10 layers ( 15 since version Beta 19 ), which are a stack from the bottom most layer (layer1) to the front most (layer10).

All layers are not necessarily filled in, as in the example given. A layer can contain a .png image file located in the template directory, or one of the following tags:

In the example, the background consists of the black screen of the Arcade cabinet. In the example, the foreground consists of the Arcade cabinet. (the area of ​​the screen is in transparent mode)
In the xml code below, we see that the background (the black screen) is first displayed, then comes the screenshot and then the foreground (the Arcade cabinet). Layers 4, 5, and 6 will be in the foreground.


Since version Beta 19 it is possible to add full file paths in layers.

these images with path will be resized automatically to take the resolution declared in:

Two variables can be used in these paths:

example of layer with these variables:


Conditional Layers

Since version Beta 9, the layers can be placed according to the format of the screenshots, boxart, cartridge, boxback (portrait,cd,landscape) as in the example of the template mix_splash_mame below from Ian Murray/TVsIan with layer3, layer4 et layer5

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <author>Ian Murray</author>
        <description>Splash Screen MAME
            Bezel art by Duimon -
            Make the layer5 tag empty to hide the fanart and only use the bezel and screenshot.
        <name>Splash Screen MAME</name>








        <item screenshot="portrait">





        <item screenshot="landscape">





        <item screenshot="cd">





	<category>Splash Screens,Arcade,MAME,TVsIan</category>



Share your creations

Feel free to study the available templates, including those with an integration of the cartridge inserted into the console (mix_atari_2600_cartridge, mix_snes …) that will allow you to understand how to use the layers.

If you create templates, do not hesitate to send them to me by Mail, I will put them for download on JujuVinceBros' website in section Template for ARRM, in order to share it with other ARRM users.

Be careful, if you create templates, use new directory names otherwise they will be removed during an uninstallation of the application during the update process.