Table des matières

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Keep in touch

You can follow our news and contact us via these different media

You will find various forums on the Discord that can help you:

To report a Bug to the developer

To report a bug to the developer you can go through (in the order of reactivity of the developer :)):

Also send an automatic report by clicking on the Send debug info to developer button available in the Contacts tab

If you encounter a bug or unexpected behavior of ARRM, click on this button to automatically send by email to the developer, a log of your ARRM config and last scrape report. This will help the developer to better understand your problem.

Make a Donation

If you like ARRM, you can donate to support its author (Nexusone13) and the JujuVinceBros by clicking on one of the following buttons :

Patreon Tipeee BuyMeACoffee Paypal

If you make a donation of at least 5 euros you will receive a key to unlock certain features.

For those who have made a donation and have not received their unlock key from the ARRM application, choose one of these methods:

- Email me at: - Contact me Nexusone13#8474 on our discord:

and tell me the date of the donation and the amount.

I will then send you your unlock key.