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Only scrape missing Artworks

Since version beta 11 you can only scrape the missing media (artworks) by checking Without Artwork only in the Scrape Options tab. Only the missing media (artworks), checked in the Images options tab will be recovered.
In the scrape engines, only these missing media (artworks) will be presented and selectable.

The purpose of this video is to complete your collection by searching and recovering missing artworks using the different scrape engines offer by ARRM.

In the first part of the video I will show you how to grab missing artworks. In the last part, I will show you how to delete unwanted artworks for the selected game and search for new ones It is possible to scrape all or part of the textual information without touching the existing images.

Video Tutorial

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When 4 images mode activation is enabled, the following items are required to be selected:
  • Get the Screenshot
  • Get the Boxart
  • Get the MArquee
  • Get the Cartridge

If the Mix mode is checked, remember to check if the correct Mix Model has been selected


If you want to keep all or part of the already scraped textual information, consider checking or unchecking the items.


When an item is unchecked, it is not updated when scraping



In the example below, we have selected the Launchbox scraping engine. This scrape engine as well as Steam, GOG, HFSDb, and TheGamesDB offers a selection window. Only missing media found on this engine will be displayed and accessible via a checkbox. Make your choice, then Click on the button Select this game


If no missing media was found, this form will not appear and ARRM will display in the log: No missing media for this game:

It is possible to automate this process, without needing to select the game. If ARRM finds the game on these scraping engines (Launchbox, Steam, GOG, HFSDb, and TheGamesDB), it can automatically select the game. To do this you will need to set it like this:


To know the media already present on your system for a given game, simply select the game and click on the Media button in the ROM Information panel. You will get this:


To delete media already present on your system for a given game, simply select the game and click on the Delete media button in this panel:


This form opens:


Check the media you want to delete and click on the button Delete checked media