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engines not working? il y a 4 ans 4 mois #787

Hi guys, just made a raspberry with recalbox inside a pandoras box.
I put my roms collection in an external usb stick, it seems there's no scraper working in recalbox/emustation right now, so I was trying yours.
I'm using it right now, but it seems only mamedb finds infos, while gamesdb and screenscraper don't find anything, what can it be?
it could be good too, but I have also megadrive, snes and c64 roms and that's why mamedb is not enough.
any advice?

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engines not working? il y a 4 ans 4 mois #789

  • nex
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Hi Capfindus

In the last few days, screenscraper has been experiencing server problems. So every now and then scraping is impossible. It's better to have an account on screenscraper (free) because it favors, in case of overload, people with an account.
This morning everything seems to work.
Can you give me a screenshot of the main page so that I can see if the Roms directory is correct.

As far as TheGamesDB is concerned, you should get the beta 4 version available here .

TheGamesDB was offline for a while and when it came back the APIs changed a bit. This is something I fixed in the last beta. It's a single executable that should replace the previous one (you must have at least version installed).

you can also come on the textual discord, it will be easier to exchange screenshots and advices

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engines not working? il y a 4 ans 4 mois #797

Well everything is working fine now, using screenscrape with login...
it takes a little time, but works pretty well, thanks!
Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: nex

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