Retrieve system media on Screenscraper
Since Beta 2 version of ARRM , it is possible to retrieve system media on Screenscraper.
For each selected system, the media will be stored in the folder defined in theme-builder of the Folder tab.
In the example below the media are located in share\roms\gamecube\media\theme-builder
Operating mode:
- Check the systems whose media you want to recover
- Click on the Get systems media button in the Selected systems tab
The media recovered are the following (if they exist on Screenscraper):
- logo-monochrome
- logo-monochrome-svg
- logo-svg
- wheel
- wheel-carbon
- wheel-carbon-vierge
- wheel-steel
- wheel-steel-vierge
- minicon
- icon
- photo
- illustration
- controller
- video
- introvideo
- steam-grid
- BoitierConsole3D
- background
- screenmarquee
- screenmarquee-vierge
- bezel-4-3
- bezel-16-9
- box-back-vierge
- box-tranche-vierge
- box-vierge
- box3D
- box-texture-gabarit
- support2D
- support-texture-gabarit
arrm_relooked_en/get_system_media_en_relooked.txt · Dernière modification : 2024/07/31 19:11 de nexusone13