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Convert existing Recalbox Overlays to Batocera Overlays

Available since beta 15

You already have Recalbox overlays but you want to convert them in order to use them on Batocera. ARRM offers a converter. It will browse your Overlays Recalbox folder, retrieve positioning information in the associated .cfg, and recreate Batocera compatible .info files. The .png files are also recovered.

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Here's how to do it.

Go to the ' Tools ' menu, scroll down to the ' Convert Recalbox Overlays ' group

You can also indicate the directory \\batocera\share\decorations\your_overlays_folders if you have access to it

Then click on the button Convert to BATOCERA . When the conversion is complete, you can access the Overlays converted Folder directory by clicking on .

Remember to copy the content into \\batocera\share\decorations\your_overlays_folders
You have to specified your_overlays_folders in the Batocera's configuration Interface