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Select language for media and texts

You wish, for example, to recover Japanese media, while keeping the texts (description, genre etc…) in French?

It is quite possible. You can choose in which language ARRM will retrieve the media and texts.

This is done from this tab :

To activate this option, remember to check the boxes below :

When scraping on Screenscraper, ARRM will search for the first media it finds in the order of the specified languages. If, for example, you only want Japanese and Korean for the media and English or French for the text, simply specify

Order texts: fr,eu,uk,us,wor

Media order: jp,kr

Please note that if no media matches jp (japan) or kr (korea), no media will be recovered. It is therefore possible in this case, if you still want to retrieve media (in other languages), to extend the list, or to sort the initial list. Same for the texts.

For example, you can use the following

Media order : jp,kr,fr,ca,eu,wor,us,en,uk,sp,es,br,pt,it,de,cus