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Assignment of Launchbox media in ARRM

Since version Beta 11

This form is accessible via the button Media allocation 'Launchbox' in the tab General options

This form presents the different graphical elements recoverable via Launchbox. You can choose which graphic element will feed this or that TAG of the gamelist.

Image and text media are recovered following the order of priority defined in the form Assignment of 'Screenscraper' media

Media Assignment

Currently Emulationstation only recognizes 4 Tags that can be used in themes:
  • image
  • marquee
  • thumbnail
  • video
  • manual

Some frontends such as Batocera recognize other tags because they use a modified emulationstation.

ARRM adds proprietary Tags that cannot be used in themes but are used for various ARRM internal processing. These Tags are:

In 4-image mode they are written in the gamelist.xml because they allow you to recompose MIX images without having to re-scrape (for example to use another template)

For the thumbnail Tag, you must indicate which Tag it will use the media from. By default it will be NONE.

The possible choices are therefore:

If you choose the CARTRIDGE media for thumbnail, the thumbnail tag will be written in the gamelist.xml with the value corresponding to the media of the CARTRIDGE tag. This media will therefore be recovered on the disk. Ditto for marquee and image.
If you choose NONE, the thumbnail tag will keep the value of the thumbnail tag loaded with the gamelist.xml.
If you choose –ERASE–, the contents of the 'marquee' tag will be erased from the database and not written to gamelist.xml.

Since version Beta 8, you can assign media offered by Screenscraper to THUMBNAIL

For the marquee Tag, you must indicate which Tag it will use the media from. By default it will be at WHEEL.

The choice of marquee will also be reflected on the Media Assignment Screenscraper screen

The possible choices are therefore:

If you choose the BOXART media for marquee, the marquee tag will be written in the gamelist.xml with the media value corresponding to the media of the BOXART tag. This media will therefore be recovered on the disk.
If you choose NONE, the marquee tag will keep the value of the marquee tag loaded with the gamelist.xml.
If you choose –ERASE–, the contents of the 'marquee' tag will be erased from the database and not written to gamelist.xml.

Since version Beta 8, you can assign media offered by Screenscraper to MARQUEE

The image Tag will contain the media selected in the 'Images options' tab, and which can therefore be:

The standard configuration that works most of the time is the one shown in the screenshot:

SCREENSHOT: Screenshot - Gameplay
BOXART: Box - 3D
CARTRIDGE: Cart - Front
WHEEL: Clear Logo

Since version 1892 beta 1 a new EXTRA1 tag has been introduced on which you can assign a Launchbox media. This tag can be used in templates. For example, we can assign it the media Arcade - Marquee which corresponds on Launchbox to the marquee displayed on the top of the arcade terminals, as in the example below. This tag is not saved in the gamelist. ARRM finds the media if it is present in its dedicated directory

Media priority order by country

You can tell ARRM in which order of priority you want to retrieve image and text media depending on the country.

This Launchbox module uses the order of priority of media and texts defined in the form Assignment of 'Screenscraper' media

See: Assignation of Screenscraper media in ARRM

Since version Beta 16, the ROM country priority checkbox allows priority to be given to the media of the country indicated in brackets its in filename

 Actraiser (Japan).zip,
 Legend of Zelda, The (Europe) (Rev A).zip,
 Batman Forever (F) [!].zip

The recognized countries are:

The other priority choices will be applied if the ROM country priority does not work